Tag Archives: Canada

We Just Can’t Sit Still

I know it’s been quite a while since I last blogged, but we have been super busy!  We ( 2 kids and I) left Virginia on June 20th for the 12 hour drive south to our new home in Florida.  My husband and oldest son stayed behind for him to have surgery on the 24th, and then they drove down.  We have been surrounded by boxes and packing paper since.  Last Tuesday, we had to take a break (oh darn!) because my hubby had a follow-up for his surgery back up in Virginia, and our daughter had an appointment to have her wisdom teeth out there as well.  We already had a doctor lined up and since my husband had to go back anyway, we decided to make a little adventure out of it all.  We drove up to Montreal the day after her surgery.  She had some good drugs in her, so she doesn’t remember a lot of that first day.  My husband got his French fix and added more to our library of books and movies.  He got to sit around and shoot the breeze in French and in English with people visiting from all over the globe, and I got a break from unpacking and hung out and watched tv and shopped with my daughter.

Early yesterday morning, we left Montreal and started heading back to Florida.  We took a 30-minute pit stop in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and bought a big bag full of chocolate stuff.  I have always wanted to go there, and when I saw signs along the side of the road that we were close by, I told my husband it was a great time to get out and stretch!  This afternoon, we arrived back in my hometown of Pensacola – kind of another little pit stop on the way home.  I’m here to help my little sister celebrate her 35th birthday 🙂  We’ll hang out with her here for a couple of days and then make our way back to real life 5 hours east. 

I’m going to try to ease back into the blogging world, I hope.  There are still lots of things going on in our real world when we get back, unpacking and job hunting are the highest on a long list.  I have really enjoyed journaling some about our lives and hope I can continue.


Filed under ♦♦Family Experiences♦♦